Personalization Strategies using AI

Transforming trade operations with work orchestration, automation, and genAI [Video]

Trade operations teams face increasing pressure to tighten processes, reduce costs, and ensure compliance—all while managing complex infrastructures and siloed systems.

But there’s good news: Automated orchestration solutions and generative AI (genAI) are helping teams address these challenges and reshape the trade operations landscape.

One significant challenge companies face is the shift to T+1 settlement cycles, which reduces the time to complete a trade from two business days to one. This tighter timeframe forces operations teams to adapt quickly; past strategies of assigning more employees to handle increasing volumes no longer suffice.

“Our clients have been through a transformation of offshoring, nearshoring, and trying to remove costs,” said Mark Wilson, Managing Director, Capital Markets at Accenture, in a recent panel discussion. “But the need to continue to do more with less is greater than it has ever been.” 

This means firms must adapt work orchestration solutions that integrate processes across …

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