At CES 2025 today in Las Vegas, electronics giant LG unveiled its new OLED Evo line of 4K TVs — namely, the M5 and G5 models. In addition to some noteworthy AI and connectivity features, both these flagship panels come with some stirring innovations to improve picture quality and brightness, as well as a processor optimized for fast-paced sports viewing and gaming.
LG OLED M5 and G5 advancements
A complete list of specs isn’t yet available for both models, but an overall takeaway is that the M5 and G5 OLED TVs feature brighter panels, faster VRR for gaming, and a new remote. These two models essentially offer the same capabilities, with the M5 presenting a more futuristic, wireless design.
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That’s because the M5 comes with a Zero Connect Box, making it what LG calls the world’s first “true wireless” OLED TV, capable of wirelessly transmitting at …