AI Behavioral Targeting

UK Visa Success Rate 2021: Expert Analysis & Tips [Video]

In the year ending March 2021, there were 668,979 visas granted, reflecting a 78.42% decrease (2,431,714) compared to the previous year (3,100,693) due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Out of the total visas granted in the last 12 months (ending on March 31, 2021), 26.16% were for visiting, 38.39% for studying, 18.31% for working, 6.86% for family settlement and dependents joining or accompanying, 8.15% for EUSS and EEA Family Permits, and 2.13% for transit and other temporary purposes.

A total of 836,352 individuals applied for a UK visa in the year ending March 2021. With 849,483 entry clearance applications decided, 668,979 visas were granted, and 174,000 applications were rejected. Consequently, the UK visa success and refusal rates for the year ending March 2021 stood at 78.75% and 20.48%, respectively.

Overview of UK Visa Success Rate 2021 by Visa Type

Visa Type UK Visa Success Rate 2021
Total Work Visas 86.71%
High value 93.03%
Skilled 99.23%
Temporary Worker 95.25%
Other …
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