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Ultimate bird hangout has smart feeders, pool and 24/7 video stream

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Whether you’re an avid birder or just a casual observer of the native feathered friends that visit your neck of the woods, you can now set up the ultimate high-tech feeding and water station that’s also incredibly low-maintenance. However, you might end up with even more visitors once word gets out.

Sheggell – a startup that combines its love of bird care with technology – has developed a water-filtering, seed-drying, squirrel-deterring system that even films visitors and feeds this to a smartphone via an app.

What’s more, the All-in-One Intelligent Bird Feeder System is also solar-powered, meaning its many innovative functions are automated, leaving the nearby resident humans free to enjoy the wildlife it attracts.

We’ve seen some pretty fantastic smart devices, including this chicken coop that picks up hen gossip, and the high-tech sensor that listens to calls and identifies birds in real time, but this one is really something else. Not surprisingly, the team behind this bird paradise, has …

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