Video Analysis for Marketing Insights

We should have our fill of all these Rory McIlroy videos, except this one’s pretty sweet, too | Golf News and Tour Information

We love everything about this Rory McIlroy mini-feature put out by his sponsor Bose, even if it touches on similar themes as another recent mini-feature put out by his sponsor Nike. You know, Rory is driven, Rory works out ridiculously hard in the gym, that kind of stuff.

Still, the Bose video offers a neat window into the world No. 1 as he prepares for the Masters. We even love the fact that there’s footage of McIlroy throwing his 3-iron into the water at Doral. You normally wouldn’t think you could turn such a juvenile display into a marketing opportunity. Somehow Bose pulls it off.

If anything, it’s because McIlroy comes across as so genuinely likable. There’s a point right before the two-minute mark when he’s seated at a table with his inner circle and a server hands him a plate of food. McIlroy turns to thank her. It isn’t much, and for all we know it might …

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