Data-Driven Marketing

Webinar on Beyond Gut Feeling: Mastering Data-Driven Marketing in the SaaS Landscape [Video]

Webinar on Beyond Gut Feeling: Mastering Data-Driven Marketing in the SaaS Landscape #webinar #live

This live webinar with panelists from Big Marketing Companies gave their insights on how to tackle customer satisfaction along with challenges people face in the SaaS Landscape when it comes to marketing.

Questions around which the webinar was based on are as follows:

• What data sources have had the most significant impact on your
marketing strategies, and how do they inform your decision-making?

• How do you align marketing and customer success teams to ensure
long-term customer satisfaction?

• Can you share a successful campaign that significantly boosted your
customer lifetime value (CLTV)?

• What are some common mistakes SaaS companies make in their
marketing approach, and how can they avoid them?

• How do you balance efforts between growth and retention in your
marketing strategy?

• Any tips or advice for young and aspiring marketers will you give for
avoiding pitfalls and learn from your experience?

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