Natural Language Processing for Customer Feedback

What is Sentiment Analysis ? [Video]

What is Sentiment Analysis ?

Sentiment Analysis, also known as Opinion Mining, focuses on understanding customer emotions, attitudes, and opinions through text analysis. This method is crucial for businesses to monitor public sentiment on products, services, and brands, often sourced from social media and customer reviews.

Process and Methodology:
Text Pre-processing: Involves tokenization, stemming, stop-word removal, and transforming text into structured formats.
CRISP-DM Model: Steps include business understanding, data understanding, data preparation, modelling, evaluation, and deployment.
Machine Learning Models: Use labelled training data for classification (e.g., positive or negative sentiments).

Types of Sentiments:
Explicit and Implicit Opinions: Explicit statements are direct, while implicit require context or inference (e.g., sarcasm or irony).
Direct and Indirect Opinions: Direct opinions explicitly describe a feature; indirect ones involve relationships or comparisons.

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#CustomerSentiment, #customerfeedback ,#SocialMediaMonitoring,#industryinsights , #brandreputation ,#marketintelligence #podcast , #customersatisfaction , #sentimentanalysis
#OpinionMining, #customerinsights

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