Video Analysis for Marketing Insights

What We Watched – October 7, 2016 [Video]

Sit back, relax, and check out what we watched this week.

Superblocks: how Barcelona is taking city streets back from cars

Check out this 5-minute video from Vox (my favorite) that asks the question, “What if we could change the way that cars dominate cities?” Barcelona is implementing an urban mobility plan that relies on superblocks—where the flow of traffic is rerouted around a three-by-three city block to encourage walkability within the superblock. Originally conceived in Barcelona to deal with stricter EU pollution standards, superblocks also aid business in these areas, which surprised me. With five Barcelona superblocks to start, the city also has identified 120+ additional superblocks it can create in the future. The video is smart, slick, quick, and I feel smarter for watching it. Par for the course with Vox.CJ Powell, Writer 

Google is Listening

The Google/Apple/Amazon rivalry is in full force, so it’s no surprise that Google just launched a new …

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