Interactive and Immersive Marketing

What You Need to Know to Protect Patient Information [Video]

Sending an email to a patient might seem like a routine task, but if that email isn’t HIPAA-compliant, you could put your patient’s privacy and business at serious risk. HIPAA, which stands for the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, sets the standard for protecting sensitive patient information. When it comes to email marketing and communication, ensuring compliance with HIPAA is not just a legal obligation but also a crucial part of building trust with your patients.

Table of Contents

  1. What Makes an Email HIPAA-Compliant?
  1. Choosing the Right Email Provider
  1. Best Practices for HIPAA-Compliant Email Communication
  1. The Consequences of Non-Compliance
  1. The Bottomline

What Makes an Email HIPAA-Compliant?

Having a HIPAA-compliant email is more than just using a secure password. When you’re dealing with Protected Health Information (PHI), which includes anything from patient names to medical records, you’ve got to ensure that every email you send is up to the highest security standards.

Understanding HIPAA and PHI

First things first — …

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