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What’s New In Robotics This Week [Video]

-Manufacturing & Cobot Roundup -Universal Robots, OpenAI, AUBO -ColRobot prototype-Fedor’s off to the ISS -Five vids for Friday 

Manufacturing & cobot roundup 

AIMEN Centro Tecnológico in Spain unveiled video of the latest ColRobot prototype this week.  ColRobot is a cobot designed for use in the automotive sector.  The mobile cobot is intended to act as a “third hand” by “delivering kits, tools, parts, and holding workpieces” alongside human workers. 

China’s Xiamen Customs District imported 1,700 industrial robots from January to June this year, 67 times the number traded over the same period last year, according to the latest figures from regional authorities.  In the first half of this year, Japan accounted for 96.9% of imports (1,647 robots).  Thirty-four industrial robots were imported from Taiwan and 15 from the European Union. 

A Robotiq gripper was spotted on an AUBO i5 cobot… 

Fresh from signing a strategic alliance agreement with Japan-based Omron, cobot maker Techman Robotplans to double production capacity in …

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