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Windows Recall: Microsoft just announced 3 things it did to make it more secure [Video]

AI Content Generation and Curation

Windows Recall was the talk of the town when it was announced alongside the launch of the Surface Laptop 7 and Surface Pro 11 PCs in June.

Many poked fun at it, including myself, calling it a Black Mirror-esque feature.

The AI-powered Windows tool records your activity by taking screenshots every few seconds, which is reminiscent of the “Entire History of You” episode from the dystopian Netflix series.

With Recall, you can retrace your digital footsteps with a timeline scrubber — or you can use natural-language search to find something specific. For example, if you were shopping for a orange couch, but forgot to bookmark it, you can search “orange couch,” and theoretically, Recall will find it.

Recall may be advantageous for forgetful users who want to retrieve a past moment, but some security experts called it “privacy nightmare.”

Why? Because it captures everything, from innocuous moments like shopping and browsing, to more sensitive …

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