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Windsor Regional Hospital AI security system detects 3,155 threats [Video]

AI Behavioral Targeting

About 3,155 threats have been detected by the artificial intelligence-powered security system at Windsor Regional Hospital over the past year.

That includes threats involving 1,834 knives, according to AM800 News.

Windsor Regional Hospital became the first healthcare centre in Canada to use the Evolv Weapons Detection System on Oct. 19, 2023. It was installed in the emergency departments at the Met and Ouellette campuses.

The system uses powerful sensor technology with artificial intelligence to detect weapons or other potential items of concern while also allowing staff, patients, and visitors to pass through the checkpoint without always having to open their bags or empty their pockets.

Manager of safety and security at Windsor Regional Hospital, Michael Broderick, says a threat is something that may or may not be a weapon but is still something they don’t want in the emergency department.

The AI technology distinguishes between items that might be a …

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