Data-Driven Marketing

Woman Makes Spotify-Inspired ‘Crying Wrapped’ to Log Emotions Over 2024 [Video]

In a creative twist on Spotify’s annual Wrapped feature, data-driven Rachel Ginter, a 29-year-old social media marketing professional from Vancouver, Canada, has awed viewers online with her innovative “Crying Wrapped” project.

Ginter’s “Crying Wrapped,” a unique virtual logbook spanning pie charts and graphs, tracks every instance the marketer cried in 2024, categorizing each episode by date, reason and intensity.

After being shared to TikTok on December 4, Ginter’s video struck a chord with many, amassing more than 4.6 million views and sparking a broader conversation about emotional awareness and personal development.

“In 2024, I tracked every time I cried, logging the date, reason, and whether it was a ‘Big Bertha’—defined as sobbing or hyperventilating for over 15 minutes,” Ginter, who is known as @rachel_ginter online, told Newsweek. “At the end of the year, I categorized the cries by reason, month, and intensity to create my ‘Crying Wrapped.'”

Ginter, who has been experimenting with digital content since she started a YouTube channel …

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