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Yes, you should use coding assistantsbut not like that [Video]

AI Content Generation and Curation

Whether you let AI do a little or a lot reveals your own level of coding expertise.

Credit: Andrey_Popov/Shutterstock

If you’re exhausted by the constantly changing AI landscape, you’re not alone. In a thoughtful post, Microsoft Research brainiac Victor Dibia captures the “particular kind of fatigue that comes from trying to match the unprecedented pace of AI advancement.” However, if you’re a developer, you no longer have the option to sit out AI’s impact on software development. Yes, your mileage may vary depending on whether you’re a more experienced developer or a less seasoned one, but we’ve reached a point where you simply must be using AI to assist you in your work.

But how? Applied AI engineer Sankalp Shubham detailsthe evolution of AI-driven coding assistants, with excellent advice on how to use them effectively. Shubham likens coding assistance to a car: Things like autocomplete give you maximum control but move slowly (first gear), while more ambitious things …

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