WhatsApp users can now harness the powers of ChatGPT, OpenAI’s generative AI chatbot. Starting now, if you add 1 (800) CHAT-GPT to your contacts (that’s 1 (800) 242-8478) you can start using the chatbot in Meta’s messaging app, revealed OpenAI in Day 10 of its livestream sessions. This version of ChatGPT is limited to text-only input, so there’s no Advanced Voice Mode or visual input on offer.
The model is the o1-mini model. WhatsApp ChatGPT is available everywhere where the normal ChatGPT is offered, and no account is required. OpenAI is currently working on a way to authenticate existing users over WhatsApp, but this feature is not yet live and we don’t know exactly when it will launch. By the way, Meta is also offering its own generative AI chatbot in WhatsApp.
Meanwhile, OpenAI is also launching a ChatGPT hotline in the US, and the number is the same as above, 1 (800) 242-8478. The toll-free number works with …