Apple first announced its AI offering, Apple Intelligence, at WWDC in May, and since the technology has been doled out in dribs and drabs with each new update. iOS 18.1 has already added a few AI tidbits to the iPhone, but the consensus is that they were a bit underwhelming. iOS 18.2, however, is set to deliver more AI capabilities as soon as today.
Also: I tried a free AI clothing search tool, and it makes online thrift shopping much easier
According to several reports, Apple will release iOS 18.2 users this week, bringing users highly awaited features such as Genmoji, ChatGPT, and more. Since iOS 18 and iOS 18.1 were released on a Monday, we might see 18.2 as soon as Monday, December 9. If the release doesn’t happen today, following past Apple release schedules, it may also be released Wednesday, December 11.
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